Sunday, December 27, 2009

Beta Day: 2009

It’s been two years. We still think about Beta almost every day, wondering what our life would have been like if he was here. Like we’ve done the last two years, we’ve spent today spending time as a family, and tonight we’ll make a special dinner to celebrate his short life.

We also have an announcement that we’ve been saving for today. Over the last couple months, we have been starting to seriously consider international adoption, for various reasons. This last week we started the application process with an organization called Loving Shepherd Ministries that helps to match families with adoption agencies. This doesn’t mean that we are definitely going to adopt, but it is a big step in that direction.

--The Oglesbee Family


  1. I mentioned this on Lisa's FB page, but please let Cathy or me know if you want to talk about international adoption. We're big fans of Families Thru International Adoption (, the agency we used to adopt Lucy and Penny, but there are other good ones out there with different approaches.

  2. Awww. guys, you make me ache for you. We wish you the best of luck and that you can have the very best for your family.

  3. I think of you all on this day too. It was a rough time two years ago, but with God's strength and the love you have for each other you've made it through. Our niece works for adoption attorneys that are the best in the nation - let me know if you want their info.
    Love to all of you,
