Friday, February 12, 2010

Simple Recipe Collection

About seven years ago, my recipes were kept in a file folder which was jammed-packed with recipes I'd both tried and not tried, all mixed together in a messy pile of barely-tapped potential. When I would go to look for a recipe I had in mind, I spent most of my time shuffling through the debris, muttering to myself, "I know it's here somewhere...." For those of you who know me, it's shocking, I know. But that was my cooking life for the first two years of our marriage. day, I had an epiphany that literally changed my life: Why not type out any recipe I know I'll use again on a 4x6" note card and keep them in a photo album, organized by category? And thus was born the document that my husband puts on his list of things for which he'd run into a burning building to save: my recipe book.

Meet one of my best friends: This baby makes my life infinitely easier and is really not that hard to keep up. Not only can I quickly and easily find any recipe I'm looking for, but it also makes menu planning much more simple because I can just flip through the categories to get some ideas of things I'm already confident I can make well.

As you can see, I used file folder tabs to delineate the categories, plain white 4x6" notecards to print the recipes out on, and a refillable 3-ring photo album to put them all in. Easy peasy.
And this week marked an important event in the life of my recipe book. Because my collection is growing so large, I was running out of room to put new pages in the book. Hence, Book #2 came into being. And now my recipes have breathing room. Ahhhhhh......

So, how do you organize your recipes? Do you have a box that you keep them all in? A binder? A computer file? Nothing at all? Where do you go when you want to access a tried-and-true recipe that you've made before?


  1. I've got a 3-ring binder, with full pages for recipes. I like things printed out large, to make them easier to read. Each recipe is in a page protector. I generally pull a recipe out of the binder, and put it on the counter in its page protector to use it. Makes them easy to wipe off.

    Only thing I'd like to do is find an optimal number of recipes, and then stay at that number the rest of my life. I also use, and don't even print those recipes, unless I especially like one.

  2. i'm not a recipe-follower, but i have some hand-written 3x5's in a box. it makes me a little crazy if i'm ever looking for my grandma's potato salad recipe or something. need to do something different.

  3. And my sweet daughter-n-love here made me one for Christmas one year. I'm in need of a second one soon too. I just haven't had time to do it with working full time and keeping up with grandkids.

    I'm not as organized as you Lisa in some areas so the recipes I've added are hand written for now. My first step is to get another binder like the one you got me. Need to ask you where you got it and the pages. Then it'll be time to clear out my recipes and cookbooks!

    I had thought this winter but the office changed that. Some day. Good for you!

    Love you.

  4. Thanks!!! Great job!

    I have a couple of 3-ring binders is a Henderson favorites complied by my SIL, with various recipes typed out on 4x6 size, matted on cute scrapbook paper. The other one is just a simple white binder with computer-printed pages in it--a lot of my favorite Rachael Ray recipes. Between these 2, allrecipes and recipezaar, and several Pampered Chef books, these are my go-to. I would be doing myself a huge favor, however, if I streamlined. :)
